
Access Permissions and Roles

CLASS Admin, General Staff Access and Volunteer Roles

There are three primary roles available to centres. These roles have permissions that reflect different responsibilities and access;

Note: that any one person should only have ONE of the below roles ticked as this can cause issues, if appropriate and multiple roles are selected give the user the least permissioned role such as volunteer or general staff access and avoid having too many admins. On the other hand if you are an Admin make sure you don’t have volunteer or General staff ticked!

  • CLASS Admin Advanced: Is the most permissioned role in CLASS we recommend you only have about two of these at your centre ensure if one person leaves this role is assigned to someone else – its recommended they are an experienced user of CLASS.
  • CLASS Admins: Manage users and accounts for their centre, centre profile and settings, centre message board, customisation and deleting records as well as data entry functions.
  • General Staff Access: Perform the daily business of the centre such as conflict checks, create new clients or projects and update existing details. Cannot delete records.
  • Volunteers: Data entry and viewing access, cannot delete or edit notes etc. This can be further restricted as needed.





Permission to Remove Field Mapping access

Permission to Remove editing of Funding Categories

Permission to Remove access to delete Audit logs

Permission to Remove View Customisation

Permission to Remove Form customisations

No access to Employee/User management

No access to role management

No access to manage Types and Categories

No access to Funding category customisations

No access to delete Client and Additional Details

No access to delete Services and Actions

No access to delete Projects

No access to delete Project Services


The system is flexible and allows one or many roles to be assigned to a user. What this can mean is a role can be a group of specific permissions such as “User Management” or Position specific such as “Volunteer”.

Note: If the access to the hyperlinks or New/Delete buttons are missing please check your permissions

Click the new button from the list page.

From this new window you can select a few options:

Name: The name of the role. This will appear in the user list, etc.

Copy Existing Role: By selecting a role here the permissions will be prefilled with what the selected role’s permissions has

Description: Brief characteristics of the role

Click save.

Role Details

The role details page allows the editing of role permissions and reassignment of roles for multiple users. By Ticking and unticking the Right Names in the Role Permissions group you can create a set of permissions for allocation.

Role Permission: List of permission that can be assigned to the role. For details on each permissions refer the Permissions document.

Expand/ Collapse Button: This expands all the collapsed or collapses all the expanded menus within the Role Permissions Group. A vertically pointed triangle indicates an expanded menu and a horizontal triangle indicates a collapsed or hidden menu.

Assign Users: This opens a lookup control to assign users to this role
